Sylvia Masebo |
By Andrew Mulenga
One cannot help but harmonize with the
smug expressions on the faces of the artistes from Zambia Association of Musicians (ZAM) who recently held a gathering
to celebrate the re-alignment of the tourism ministry which now includes the
It is now
called the Ministry of Tourism and Arts and last week President Michael Sata
appointed Sylvia Masebo as minister.
“We have
a task, we have a job to make the Zambian people understand that art can create
employment”, said Masebo addressing the small crowd of artistes at the ZAM
Nevertheless, for the minister to say
“we have a job to do” may perhaps be an understatement looking at the epic task
that lies ahead as a result of the neglect of an entire sector for a period
that almost spans the entire post-colonial epoch.
In an interview for this column
shortly after the Patriotic Front was voted into power last year, arts writer
Roy Kausa said: "I am appealing to government to
quickly consider the arts to fall under the tourism ministry. Then with the
help of stakeholders the ministry can identify which people can sit on the
National Arts Council from the various arts disciplines”.
at the time Kausa was making these suggestions, he had no idea that his words
were prophetic to a certain degree.
"The minister of tourism should call a
meeting where the creative community can sit down and map a way forward
otherwise I see no future for the arts if they fall under the ministry of
chiefs and traditional rulers, because tourism as well as art is dynamic. Let
culture related issues be handled by the chiefs and other traditional
rulers", he continued.
words and valid suggestions indeed from Kausa, but his proposals would just be part
of the beginning.
A starting point for Masebo and government to strengthen and support role of the arts towards realising a vibrant
and diverse creative sector, the anaemic National Cultural Policy of 2003 must
be revised as soon as possible. A new cultural policy must set the framework
for Government’s constitutionalized support for the arts for the next few
years, furnishing us with a collective, planned direction and grounds for investment
in the sector.
In the past, government support of
the arts was weak because the creative sector was fragmented over too many line
ministries this was acknowledge by means of a disclaimer in the National Cultural Policy (2003,
"2.7 Administration and Co-ordination of Cultural Affairs. The Cultural
Sector cuts across a number of line ministries such as:
a) The Ministry of Community Development and Social Services (under which
the Department of Cultural services and the National Arts Council of Zambia
b) The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services (under which Zambia
Music Copyright Protection Society and film and cinema administration
c) The Ministry of Tourism (under which the National Museum Board and
National Heritage Conservation Commission Falls);
d) The Ministry of Local Government and Housing (under which the
administration of Chiefs falls); e) The Ministry of Science Technology and
Vocational Training (under which the training of artists in colleges
f) The Ministry of Home Affairs (under which the national Archives falls).
The above scenario raises the problem of co-ordination for effective and
efficient delivery of cultural services to the nation."
But let bye bygones be bygones, the revised cultural policy must formulate and implement the support of professionals and amateurs alike
in the disciplines of theatre, music, dance, fine arts, crafts, cinema,
fashion, poetry and copyright-related issues, as well as to protect Zambia’s
cultural worth and create an annual National Arts Festival that will encompass all
these mentioned categories of the arts.
thing that belongs in the dustbin, particularly now that tourism and art is
under one roof is the Zambia National Tourism Board’s
(ZNTB) promotional booklet targeted at tourists and visitors among other things.
If one flips through the pages to the city profiles and travel tips, it
elaborately covers banking, climate, etiquette, currency, visa requirements and
language among other things but does not mention a single thing about the arts.
There is no mention of the contemporary art scene or works that can be
viewed at the National Museum and private collections such as Chaminuka, Villa
Lucia and Namwandwe, or the Henry Tayali gallery and Twaya Arts.
Furthermore, there is no mention of the thriving handicrafts markets and
curios that can be bought at Livingstone’s Mukuni market, the Kabwata Cultural
Village and Arcade’s Sunday market in Lusaka, or even the Twapya roadside
market in Ndola.
The Lusaka Playhouse, Kitwe and Chingola little theatres get no
reference too, suggesting that theatre is none existent in Zambia and that a
visitor cannot catch up with local productions.
Similarly, there are no profiles or consideration of local arts
festivals such as the Mwela Arts festival or the Chikuni Music Festival that,
according to an insider at ZNTB attracts scores of traditional musicians and
over 70,000 villagers annually.
And although it might be delving into foreign
affairs territory, a recent comment in the June 2012 edition of the Bulletin
& Record magazine by Jack Zimba upon returning from a US State
Department sponsored educational trip to Washington DC further highlights the
shambolic image of Zambia that Masebo and team will have to consider correcting.
“Being at the Zambian embassy felt like walking
into a typical government office back home. We had to wait a couple of minutes
before an Asian man appeared at the reception and gave us a not-so-warm
welcome. Dirty carpets lined the floors of the embassy offices and the toilet
was not up to Washington standards,” writes Zimba “What was even more shocking
was that there were posters bearing the old “Zambia, the Real Africa
slogan still hanging on the walls of the conference room and reception area.
The ZNTB, which markets Zambia’s tourism, rebranded itself last July with a new
logo and motto, discarding the “Zambia,
the Real Africa”, which was seen to project the wrong image and adopting “Zambia:
Let’s Explore”.
Obviously the tourism booklet and Zimba’s
experience insinuate that Zambia is in dire need of re-marketing. As such,
sentiments from Livingstone-based veteran artist
Benjamin Mibenge who is also a retired graphic designer from what was called
the Zambia Information Services come to memory.
“My government too is not doing much
for the arts as far as I am concerned. Government should immediately employ or
assign people to specifically acquire and decorate our embassies with Zambian
art; it used to be done in the 60s and 70s, why not now?” said the 67-year-old
who is responsible for redesigning the interiors of the Livingstone and Moto Moto
Museum during an interview with the Saturday Post early this year.
Another item Masebo
should consider for the recycle bin would be the annual Ngoma Awards, they are clearly
out of date and have been begging for improvement for years. According to sources the awards could not take place last
year because of lack of resources, political will as well as uncertainty within
the ranks of the arts council as they had no clue to which side the political
hammer will fall late last year.
Winning an art award should be a life changing
moment both inspirationally and financially, the prize money given to artistes
for the Ngomas being about K1.5m is nothing short of a joke. With government
patronage and its business connections, an artiste should be able to walk home
with at least a K50m cash prize.
Artists and creative practitioners have
been blubbering for government recognition for decades, finally their time has
come. However, outsiders may be unaware that the realms of the Zambian arts
scene are notoriously factionalized and antagonistic, a truth that many
insiders would want to ignore. At this point in time it would be wise for them
to work together as a unit if they do not wish to see tourism become the more
dominant half of the ministry (which is very likely), and like Masebo says they
have a job to do, it is therefore important that they help her help them by
being united.
Masebo is an experienced ministerial leader,
as well as a trendy fashion icon with an affinity for the arts. Surrounded by
the right people, if drawn from the adequate arts administrators and creative
individuals whom are not lacking in the country, she is bound to be successful.
One only hopes she does not end up with a cadre of PF members that have been
waiting in the side-lines for their share of the victory pie or members of the archetypal
family tree that has become a norm in post-Kaunda leadership.